August 28th will now be forever a day we remember. On this day we say good bye to a man that showed the world all heroes do not wear capes. Chadwick Boseman will be known for acting in movies playing James Brown, Thurgood Marshall, Jackie Robison and other characters of great stature. But for the comic book world and the Hip-Hop community, he starred in a movie that showed the world that Black Men can be heard, be strong role models and inspirational in character as well. The Hip-Hop community embraced the Black Panther Marvel Entertainment movie as the representation of love, and honor because for the first time in our current generation we were shown a king that not only ruled his people, he inspired all nations.
People from all over the world praised the actor that cried on Sway in Morning stating how important this film is to the building up of "Black Culture" worldwide. Chadwick Boseman and his co stars talked about bridging the gaps of "Black" people separated by the transatlantic slave trade and strengthening the brotherhood of Africans and African-Americans to each other and bringing love to the world under the call "Wakanda Forever!"
2020 has been a horrible year and it started with the loss of Kobe Bryant and it has continued to take away the lives of many of our loved ones. Chadwick Boseman unfortunately fell to health issues and the world has lost a favorite son of hollywood, and we the fans of comic book culture have lost our representation of a strong King on the motion picture screen. Our king has gone back to the spirit and now we take this time to mourn a man that not only changed the world with his talent. He also helped the youth and the world change the way we view each other, by changing the perception of "black" men and women from thugs, deviants, and after thoughts to superheroes in our communities. All heroes do not wear capes and all kings are remembered for their great deeds. Rest In Peace Chadwick Boseman and long live the King of Wakanda.
