Boston tag-team cohorts M-Dot & Revalation (EMS crew) bring forth yet another street grizzled offering with the "Jump StartRemix" (courtesy of DJ Grazzhoppa). The Kane & Abel like pairing unleash verbal cinema over DJ Grazzhoppa’s venomous drums. Video out now and song available on Bandcamp and all streaming platforms.
Written by M-Dot & Revalation
Song Produced, Mixed & Mastered by DJ Grazzhoppa & Sensus
Socials Media: @MDotBoston (Everywhere) | @RevOfEMS (Everywhere) | @DJGrazzhoppa (Everywhere)
As an added bonus track…M-Dot & Philly G drop some funk ridden braggadocio with “Superbad.” A fun single, full of crass & raunchy wordplay over D’Vibes off kilter swing production.

Stream D'Vibes ft. M-Dot & Philly G "Superbad" prod. by D'Vibes
Streaming Links:
Written by M-Dot & Philly G
Produced by D'Vibes | Mixed & Mastered by Quiz
Socials: Twitter: @dvibesonda1 IG: @dvibesputitontheone | @MDotBoston (Everywhere) | Twitter: @PhillyGMusic IG: @phillyg100