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Meet Josh: A Speaker That Influences All

Natalee Gilbert

Words. They hold much power.

Some might even say that it’s the foundation of our universal language.

Yet the greatest thing about words is the message that can be relayed back to the listener.

Since birth, the human species is taught to speak. Through crying, hand gestures (even repetitive screaming)

Still, when we learn how to verbalize our wants or needs it leaves off a freeing feeling, one that allows us to have our own voice.

Refraining from using sticks & stones, Josh uses his words instead to build an uplifting community (with less hurt). We all bleed red after all & a world with less hate could make it go round.

A year underneath his belt, the infliction Josh’s heart carried when his son passed inspired him to do motivational speaking. “At the time I was living in South Carolina. I was in a dark time — I didn’t have the support or anyone there for me so I turned to God, Tyrese & Eric Thomas. Once I saw Tyrese & Eric Thomas doing it, that made me thankful to be alive each morning & brought me to a better place. In the end it helped me get through it all.” says Josh “I said to myself one day if they can help me then maybe I can do the same. It took some time but I went for it & just gave it a shot.”

Although he hasn’t hit the stage just yet, this man of self assurance does encounter all of the eyes on him whenever he post a video online (& no he’s not a show off. Josh’s main focus is to reach out to others & get his voice out there) but he does reminisce during our interview a time where he faced the crowd. “When I graduated. I had to speak in front of my whole graduation class. It was nerve wrecking but it went well. I had a script & went straight for it.” he adds (& believe it or not, he comes up with the speeches instantly!)

But what pushes Josh through the current is a positive mindset. According to the pep-talker he doesn’t expect anyone to go beyond their limits without it.

No matter what the situation is, he advices others to just stay focused.

“I don’t want less. I’ve been around people who’ve just been stagnant & I don’t want to be that way. If I could speak to my younger self I’d say that it’s okay to make mistakes but keep a smile on your face. Treat people accordingly. Don’t chase after anyone. Just stand your ground & you’ll be just fine. Keep your head up. Stay strong. If we’re going to represent Jersey let’s do it the right way.”

As for inspirations, he calls out his motivator in South Carolina & his aunt for keeping him on the right path/giving him that parently love. “Without them I wouldn’t be who I am today.”

*credits to his Instagram page*

Stay tuned for what Joshwa has coming up next!

@quiet_mind89 - Instagram

@flamerican - Snapchat

By: Natalee Gilbert

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