When we were told that Redman and Method Man would do a Verzuz the excitement for Hip-Hop came back to the minds of those that lived and remembered the 90s era of the genre. The date of 4/20 was special for all the smokers and everyone that partakes in the Marijuana lifestyle but this one was different. This one was a celebration of not only sound of Hip-Hop but it was the event that showed us the power of Hip-Hop done right and executed perfectly.
The night started with DJ Scratch taking us through 80s and 90s era Hip-Hop to then bring out one of the best duos in Hip-Hop history. Both can be considered personal G.O.A.T.S on anyone's top 5 list with songs that bring back yesteryears greatness Redman and Method Man never fail to bring lyrics and the that feel back to the forefront. Yet, we got to see a live performance for the ages during the event. REAL MCs know how to perform and they know how to keep the people entertained.
Hip-Hop heads were treated to Red and Meth's greatness and then the guest starts came through to add to the magic. We saw Wutang's RZA, Cappadonna, and Inspectah Deck come through to perform and bring back the feeling of that raw Hip-Hop energy that is missing from today's music. Not the energy of old heads reliving their youth, no that raw unforgivable I am going to do me and there is nothing you can do but like and if you don't get the F outta here attitude. Sprinkle Keith Murray, DJ Kool and Doitall Du of Lords of the Underground we were treated to lyrics and Hip-Hop with a purpose. Music took us back to that feeling but Hip-Hop went political with a message of places to go salute to Newark, NJ and the Doitall announcing he is running for a councilman seat in Newark.
The real treat that came from the event was not just seeing Wu-Tang members and MCs from the past be reintroduced to the audience, no. It was not only DJ Scratch scratching records and showing us what a DJ does and how they can control a show as well, (shot out to Scratchvision) no. It was a blessing and a treat to see The Def Squad and The Hit Squad perform together again. K-Solo, EPMD (with DJ Scratch), and Redman did headbanger and then we got So What Cha Sayin by EPMD as well. The Verzuz gave us what we have been missing for so long a live Hip-Hop concert live show performance and it was done by 2 of the best ever that can deliver a live show better than most and second to none.
Before I close this we can go listen to the music and remember the good times but there is nothing like living the experience and saying you were there. Corona Virus has destroyed our way of life for awhile, but this Verzuz event gave me and countless others that tuned in the experience of hearing and seeing Hip-Hop greatness and this will go down as one of if not the best Verzuz episodes ever. This show paid homage to the elders, remembered our fallen RIP DMX, Black Rob, Guru, Biggie, Pac and so many others. This Verzuz also gave us quality music by a legendary DJ, and 2 of the best to ever do it as solo artists and as a team. So if you smoked I hope the high has not come down from what you had because this is my favorite 4/20 ever. This will be celebrated for me from now on as 4/20 the day Hip-Hop reappeared on stage, in my imagination and bought out the kid in me that saw his heroes take the stage again and reminded me of why I love Hip-Hop. Salute and thank you Redman and Method Man.