Let's go back to a time when you were still in your innocence looking for fun and excitement. Parties were the norm to meet pretty girls and connect with your friends when it came to what Hip-Hop was about. In those days there were many songs and Whodini gave us many of those anthems that not only rocked a party but taught us things about life. With the passing of John Fletcher aka Ecstacy of Whodini, we now get the chance to reflect on how we are lucky to have such music that taught us life lessons and maturity.
The song One Love will always come to mind and the video not only showed us that MCs had moves but they had the ability to move your mind as well. Jalil talked to us about the lesson of learning about love from loss and Ecstacy set the tone with a overview of how love is essential to understanding life and oneself. Though people will refer to them as the authors of the love story when it comes to Rap. Ecstacy was not only just a rapper but am MC when it came to telling stories and painting pictures.
The crime of today's Hip-Hop is that we do not give our heroes their flowers when they are alive but luckily Whodini was honored on BET with a Black Music Honors dedication. To be appreciated is the highest form of thankfulness. We live in a world of death and loss and 2020 made this so apparent to us with Covid 19 taking so many of our loved ones away. This loss and the songs that we have been given afford us a chance to sit down to think about how lucky we are to appreciate our lives. We can appreciate the people that created memories that have helped us grow mentally, and taken care of us in ways we can not explain. John Fletcher aka Ecstacy made music and penned lyrics that helped us appreciate love, the blessings of having Friends, and how to rock a funky beat. One of my favorite Whodini songs was It All Comes Down To The Money with Terminator X. When Hip-Hop transitioned from the 80s sound to 90s sound, a lot of groups faded and were phased out of the mainstream sound aka radio. Whodini stayed relevant and made another hit that showed the world the importance of music that not only entertained but touched the masses with lyrics and a message. Hip-Hop stays alive because of Mcs like Ecstacy and the memories of the songs and verses that helped change our lives and perspectives of life as well. John Fletcher was 1 of those voices that moved the culture and moved us to appreciate it as well. A real MC can open your mind, your vocabulary and understanding in 1 lyric and in 1 song. You are Lucky to have that 1 experience. We are lucky to have had just 1. Rest in Peace John Fletcher aka Ecstacy of Whodini.