By now we have heard of the news Mac Millar has passed away. The news is one that hurts the Hip-Hop community because he was a genuine case of doing the music for the love of the culture. Hip-Hop has been known for being positive as for saving lives but in some cases, the negative perception also adds to the killing of this culture and the people that are in it. Mac Miller was 26 years old and now fades into memory after dealing with drug usage in this culture. People like DJ Screw, Pimp C, and others have died after using lean and some others have died using pills. J. Cole released the K.O.D album to address this with the acronym King Overdose, Kids On Drugs and Kill Our Demons to address the issues people may go through and to offer a look into what can be done to save people from the outlets used to treat the mental and emotional pains we go through. People are blaming Hip-Hop and Ariana Grande for Mac Miller's death and I won't go there. All I will say is as people talking to each other and checking in on people is very important. I did not write this to create a Mac Miller playlist or to jump on the RIP bandwagon. The truth is when a young man dies the world should pause and examine itself. Our outlets have to be more that death by overdose or drug related bandages to treating the pain we feel on our life's Journey. I will say this also Rest In Peace to an MC that loved the game and grew his talent in our culture. He performed with greats and was on his way to something special himself. If you are or were a fan of his celebrate his life and never let the beats and rhymes go. If you did not like him and do not want to listen to him take the tragedy of this event and go hug a friend that is going through something and intervene in good faith knowing you can be the difference between life and death to a family member, or a friend in need. Rest In Power Mac. PEACE!
#MacMiller #JCole #KOD #PIMPC #DJScrew #overdose #RIP #ArianaGrande #HipHop #Drugs #DrugUse #RIP #RIPMACMILLER